
How To Set Up Kpi List

man looking at business KPI examples at laptop

KPI Examples & Templates Measure what matters the most and really impacts your success

Get-go FINDING THE Correct KPIS FOR YOUR Concern


A KPI or Primal Performance Indicator is a measurement that evaluates the functioning of a business organisation action. It measures the success of a visitor at reaching its operational and strategic goals on unlike performance aspects. KPIs can exist high-level, monitoring the global performance of a business organisation, or more low-level, focusing on processes' or individual'due south functioning.

No affair which department you are in, KPIs are vital to grasp the status of your business to brand the correct calls. How can you lot tell which KPIs are relevant? Which are going to help y'all and which will cause lark?

KPIs help managers gauge the effectiveness of their functions, processes, campaigns and actions. They are essential to ensure you are on track to accomplish organizational goals. Make informed decisions with datapine. We help you cut through the noise and run into the actionable information you need. Control the deed of accessing, visualizing and reporting data with our first-grade interface. Monitor your most significant KPIs in one place, obtain a comprehensive overview of your concern and make more informed decisions.

It isn't ever like shooting fish in a barrel to find the correct functioning indicators that will fit your department or activeness. The objective is always to decide those that communicate progress in the most meaningful way. Nosotros take identified the KPI examples that are about relevant for each department, specific industry or platform. Take advantage of our metric library and KPI templates to identify and visualize the metrics that are most important to your area of business. Beneath you will notice the links to over 300 visual KPI examples and templates with recommendations for activeness and relevant showcase dashboards.



Tracking the right KPIs is a huge step forward for any company - only why stop in that location? With datapine, identifying is but the first step. Explore, visualize and efficiently communicate your insights across your company and induce more informed decisions enterprise-wide.

visual representation of important business KPIs

Once you have gear up the correct KPIs, datapine provides you a comfy, clean interface to proceed an center on them. Our dashboard software helps you to become rid of the fourth dimension consuming process of constantly having to log into databases, cross-referencing information and pulling out data from third party applications to make sure you are always upward to date.

Thanks to modern KPI dashboards your KPIs can be accessed in real-time, from anywhere, at any given time. We make certain that yous always have the most relevant figures in forepart of you, whenever y'all need them. An enterprise-grade user management combined with several sharing concepts and scheduled automated reports empower everyone in your company to have constant access to relevant KPIs and make more informed decisions.

Allow datapine help you to reinforce a existent data driven culture.

Why are KPIs And so Important for modern business organization?

KPI example created from different data sources

Key performance indicators (KPIs) are sets of quantifiable measures that can be used to determine how effectively a company is achieving its key concern objectives, thus evaluating its progress or success at reaching strategic and operational goals. Depending on which part of the business yous would like to analyze, y'all accept to select unlike KPIs.

For example, if y'all want to track the financial performance of your company, you lot might use the render on equity ratio. If you would similar to analyze the performance of sales, you might use the atomic number 82 conversion ratio. From this example information technology is obvious that KPIs represent detailed specifications that are used to clarify the objectives of the organization. Information technology is essential to select the right KPI for a previously specified target in club to measure success. Since these indicators measure out functioning against a specific target, they help a visitor, department or director to instantly react to any events that might impact the business. They also aid the company to focus on a common goal.

Which different Types of KPIs exist?

Obviously, there are many types of KPIs, depending on the specific target and the best indicator to mensurate information technology. The broadest distinction is to separate the different types into nonfinancial and financial KPIs. The second refers to all indicators that have to do with the greenbacks flow, debt and avails of a visitor. For example, the profit margin, which measures the cyberspace turn a profit in percent of revenue, or the current ratio, which is the ratio of electric current avails to current debts. The former refers to all indicators that are not directly related to the cash flow, debt or assets of a company. A more than specified distinction of KPI types is the post-obit:

Quantitative vs Qualitative indicators: Offset can be expressed as a number, second use qualitative measures.

Lagging vs Leading indicators: Quondam bespeak the source of success or failure and leading indicators are used for forecasts.

Input vs Output indicators: Outset measure the resources consumed for a given output and second the outcome of a procedure.

Process vs Actionable indicators: The one-time are used to mensurate efficiency or productivity of a specific business process and actionable indicators are mainly used by key decision makers of a company to effect change.

Another way is to singled-out the different types into departmental indicators, such equally indicators for sales (for example sales growth), marketing (for example return on investment) or finances (for example current ratio) like we did in our KPI examples above. To learn more, check out our KPI templates for the unlike business departments.

There are several ways to classify the unlike types of indicators. The difference betwixt all types is that they measure different performances, thus being only compatible with a specific target. The essence is to choose the right one, which measures the performance or success of your specific target the best. Thus, you have to know exactly what would similar to measure.


Later you've successfully identified the right KPIs for your business, information technology's time to start the assay process and generate actionable insights. Keep in heed that the value of the KPI assay depends on the quality of the data too as the skills of the analyst who is diving into the operation mix. Here nosotros present some tips that tin can help in the procedure:

Create an interactive dashboard: Business organization dashboards are extremely useful when analyzing KPIs since they enable you to visualize and interact with each KPI through powerful filters and features that traditional analysis lack. During analysis, inquire specific questions and dig deeper into the information; for example, if your dashboard visualizes a map with the best-performing countries or regions, y'all can simply click to zoom and additional data is displayed such every bit which cities, timeframes or teams are responsible for success. That style, you lot contain additional findings that you can employ for your hereafter strategy development.

Compare different periods: Showing the evolution or decline in a sure performance indicator is a simple step to place if the bigger picture show is improving or you demand boosted adjustments. Connecting to this betoken, comparison different periods will besides tell you how your operation has changed and you can easily identify which actions have caused changes. For instance, if you come across that the number of sales contracts have declined in the past iii months comparing to the same menses last year, y'all can examine if external factors have caused it (such as a pandemic) or internal ones (your sales team is reduced and yous don't have enough resource to fill the voids).

Incorporate intelligent alarms: Data alerts using modern technologies such as motorcar learning and artificial intelligence, KPI analysis has evolved from manual calculations into advanced algorithms that automatically notify the user when a KPI anomaly occurs. Predicting the next expected value of a information serial is a feature of pattern recognition alerts that helps in achieving more than accurate predictions while the threshold alerts will actuate every bit soon as the targets exceed or falls behind the pre-divers value. The intelligence behind these modernistic technologies will enable you to identify trends in your analysis, spot opportunities much faster, and eliminate tiresome tasks of manual piece of work.

Don't focus just on the numbers: Numbers and software are the tools that volition aid you in increasing your productivity levels, saving precious time, and ensuring your data is upwardly-to-date and visualized for easier comprehension. Just numbers are not humans, and you e'er need to keep in heed what kind of effect will your analysis cause on the human level. For example, if your amount of leads is decreasing, yous need to get yourself into your customers' and teams' shoes to identify why, not just blindly follow goals and objectives. If you see problems in your strategies, oftentimes yous need to adjust your approach, step away from the computer, and look across numbers.

KPI analysis is designed to better processes, ease the repetitive piece of work with the help of modern KPI software, and stimulate a more efficient working surroundings. To help yous even more, nosotros have gathered the best practices that will stir your success and ensure sustainable evolution beyond the board.

What are common KPI Best Practices?

KPI best practice example

To choose the correct indicator for your specific target tin can exist very difficult. But at that place are two main KPI best practices, which assist yous to find the right one. A way to evaluate the relevance of a KPI is to use the SMARTER criteria (Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant, Time-bound, Evaluate, Reevaluate). The long version of SMARTER means a specific objective, the measurability of the progress towards that goal, the realistic attainability of the target, the relevance of the target to your company, the time-frame for achieving the target and the continuous evaluation and reevaluation of the KPI.

The 2d KPI best practice is the vi A´southward (Aligned, Attainable, Abeautiful, Accurate, Actionable, Aalive). The six A´s hateful that the indicators are aligned with your specific targets, the information, which are used for the indicators, tin be easily attained, the indicators keep anybody informed (acute) virtually the electric current situation, the data used to obtain the KPIs are accurate, the insights in the business organisation given by the indicator is actionable and the indicator should evolve with the business (alive).


Find hereafter a listing of KPI examples specifically created to answer the needs of each department. All of them are compiled and visualized on professional person KPI report templates that illustrate the information story every concern possesses! Please click on the link of the specific department to larn more than about the mentioned KPIs.

Direction: Management KPIs give a strategic overview to pinnacle-managers and the C-level suite of the performance of certain parts of the business concern, and then as to brand data-driven decisions as soon as needed. Beneath you lot tin can discover our top 8 KPI examples for the management:

  • 1) Client Acquisition Costs
  • two) Customer Lifetime Value
  • 3) Sales Target
  • 4) Operating Expenses Ratio
  • v) Net Turn a profit Margin Per centum
  • six) Return on Avails
  • 7) Return on Equity
  • 8) P/E Ratio

Finance: Financial KPIs rails the functioning of a business in its cash management, expenses, sales and profits. They help stay in track with initial financial objectives. Beneath you lot tin find our tiptop eighteen KPI examples for the finance department:

  • i) Gross Profit Margin Percentage
  • 2) Operating Profit Margin Percentage
  • iii) Operating Expenses Ratios
  • iv) Net Profit Margin Percentage
  • 5) Working Capital
  • 6) Current Ratio
  • 7) Quick Ratio / Acid Test
  • 8) Berry Ratio
  • 9) Cash Conversion Bicycle
  • 10) Accounts Payable Turnover Ratio
  • 11) Accounts Receivable Turnover Ratio
  • 12) Vendor Payment Mistake Rate
  • 13) Upkeep Variance
  • 14) Return on Assets
  • 15) Return on Equity
  • 16) Economical Value Added
  • 17) Employee Satisfaction:
  • eighteen) Payroll Headcount Ratio

Sales: Sales KPIs provide yous with insights on your sales process and representatives. Tracking the pipeline health, lead generation, full general activity and productivity, they are essential to drive sales forward. Below you tin find our meridian 17 KPI examples for the sales department:

  • 1) Sales Growth
  • 2) Sales Target
  • iii) Customer Conquering Cost
  • 4) ARPU
  • v) CLVT
  • vi) Customer Churn Rate
  • seven) Average Sales Cycle Length
  • 8) Atomic number 82-to-Opportunity Ratio
  • ix) Opportunity-to-Win Ratio
  • 10) Lead Conversion Rate
  • 11) Number of Sales Opportunities:
  • 12) Sales Opportunity Score
  • 13) Average Buy Value
  • 14) Revenue per Sales Rep
  • 15) Profit Margin per Sales Rep
  • 16) Upsell & Cantankerous-Sell Rates
  • 17) Incremental Sales by Campaign

Marketing: Marketing KPIs help you track your web performance in general and all the online campaigns you launch. They are important to give the big picture of all your online activities and determine an accurate marketing ROI. Below you tin find our meridian sixteen KPI examples for the marketing department:

  • ane) Cost per Conquering (CPA)
  • 2) Cost per Pb
  • iii) Sales Target & Growth
  • 4) Average Order Value
  • 5) Return on Investment (ROI)
  • 6) CLTV
  • 7) Website-Traffic-to-Lead Ratio
  • 8) Atomic number 82-to-MQL Ratio
  • ix) MQL-to-SQL Ratio
  • 10) Goal Conversion Rates
  • 11) Average Fourth dimension to Conversion
  • 12) Landing Page Conversion Rates
  • thirteen) Cost-per-Click (CPC)
  • 14) Bounciness Rate
  • fifteen) Engagement Rate
  • sixteen) Click-Through-Rate (CTR)

Homo Resources: Hr KPIs are essential to a functional human resources department that aims at improving its recruitment processes, workplace well-existence as well equally monitoring overall employee performance. Beneath you tin can detect our top 15 KPI examples for the human resource department:

  • i) Absence Rate
  • 2) Overtime Hours
  • 3) Preparation Costs
  • iv) Employee Productivity
  • 5) Talent Satisfaction
  • vi) Cost per Rent
  • vii) Recruiting Conversion Rate
  • viii) Fourth dimension to Make full
  • 9) Talent Rating
  • ten) Employee Turnover Charge per unit
  • 11) Talent Turnover Rate
  • 12) Dismissal Rate
  • 13) Female to Male Ratio
  • 14) Office-Time Employees
  • 15) Average Fourth dimension Stay

Service & Back up: Customer service KPIs are helpful to get a holistic view of your support section, agents, also as a 360-degree customer view. They are crucial in the process of increasing customer satisfaction. Below you can notice our top 14 KPI examples for customer service teams:

  • 1) Boilerplate Response Time
  • 2) Start Phone call Resolution
  • three) Customer Churn
  • 4) Top Agents
  • 5) Number of Issues
  • six) Customer Satisfaction
  • 7) Net Promoter Score
  • 8) Customer Effort Score
  • ix) Client Retention
  • 10) Net Retention
  • 11) Service Level
  • 12) Back up Costs vs Revenue
  • 13) Revenue Churn
  • fourteen) MRR Growth Rate

Procurement: Procurement KPIs help in the management of the procurement section as a whole, leading to more than sustainable and improving processes. They regulate costs, savings, purchases, etc. Below you can notice our top fifteen KPI examples for the procurement section:

  • 1) Compliance Rate
  • 2) Number of Suppliers
  • 3) Purchase Order Bicycle Time
  • 4) Supplier Quality Rating
  • v) Supplier Availability
  • 6) Supplier Defect Rate
  • 7) Vendor Rejection Rate & Costs
  • viii) Atomic number 82 Fourth dimension
  • 9) Emergency Purchase Ratio
  • ten) Purchases In Fourth dimension & Budget:
  • xi) Cost of Buy Club
  • 12) Procurement Toll Reduction
  • 13) Procurement Cost Avoidance
  • 14) Spend Nether Management
  • 15) Procurement ROI

IT: IT KPIs maintain all the IT projects on rails with their deliverables. Managing the abiding menstruum of tickets and bug while keeping runway of It costs is the cornerstone of a well-functioning department. Below you can find our top 15 KPI examples for the IT department:

  • 1) Total Tickets vs Open Tickets
  • 2) Projects Delivered on Budget
  • 3) Average Handle Time
  • 4) New Developed Features
  • 5) Number of Critical Bugs
  • vi) Server Downtime
  • 7) Mean Time To Repair
  • 8) Unsolved Tickets Per Employee
  • 9) Reopened Tickets
  • 10) It Support Employees per End Users
  • 11) Accurateness of Estimates
  • 12) It ROI
  • thirteen) Information technology Costs Break Downwardly
  • fourteen) It Costs vs Acquirement
  • xv) Team Attrition Charge per unit


Besides, you tin can find futurity a list of KPI templates designed to answer the needs of different industries. They are as well all gathered and visualized on business concern dashboards. Please click on the link of the specific industry to learn more about the mentioned KPIs.

Healthcare: Healthcare KPIs get together hospital and patient analytics to improve the facility direction, the patient satisfaction levels as well as the staffing needs. It helps healthcare professional run their hospital amend. Below you tin find our tiptop 15 KPI examples for the healthcare manufacture.

  • 1) Average Hospital Stay
  • 2) Bed Occupancy Charge per unit:
  • 3) Medical Equipment Utilization
  • 4) Patient Drug Cost Per Stay
  • five) Handling Costs
  • 6) Patient Room Turnover Rate
  • 7) Patient Follow-up Charge per unit
  • 8) Hospital Readmission Rates
  • nine) Patient Wait Time
  • 10) Patient Satisfaction
  • 11) Staff-to-Patient Ratio
  • 12) Canceled/missed appointments
  • thirteen) Patient Safety
  • 14) ER Wait Time
  • 15) Costs By Payer

Logistics: Logistics KPIs inform you on transportation processes, warehouse operations, supply chain management and other aspects involved in the optimization of all the logistics operations. Below you can find our peak 14 KPI templates for the logistics industry:

  • ane) Aircraft Fourth dimension
  • 2) Order Accuracy
  • 3) Picking Accuracy
  • 4) Commitment Time
  • v) Selection & Pack Cycle Time
  • 6) Equipment Utilization Rate
  • seven) Transportation Costs
  • 8) Warehousing Costs
  • 9) Option & Pack Costs
  • ten) Use of Packing Material
  • xi) Number of Shipments
  • 12) Inventory Accuracy
  • 13) Inventory Turnover
  • xiv) Inventory to Sales Ratio

Manufacturing: Manufacturing KPIs are a good asset when a business concern wants to optimize its production quality and manage the incurred costs efficiently. Below you tin can find our top 16 KPI templates for the manufacturing industry:

  • 1) Production Book
  • 2) Production Downtime
  • 3) Production Cost
  • 4) OOE
  • 5) OEE
  • 6) TEEP
  • 7) Chapters Utilization
  • eight) Defect Density
  • 9) Charge per unit of Render
  • 10) On-fourth dimension Commitment
  • 11) Correct First Time
  • 12) Asset Turnover
  • 13) Unit of measurement Costs
  • 14) Return on Assets
  • 15) Maintenance Costs
  • 16) Revenue Per Employee

Retail: In such a fast-moving manufacture, retail KPIs are crucial to any business who wants to identify and understand customer trends, enhance its stock management, lower the returns and ultimately increment sales profits. Below you lot tin can find our top 16 KPI templates for the retail industry:

  • i) Website Traffic/Pes Traffic
  • 2) Average Transaction Size
  • 3) Average Units per Customer
  • 4) Total Volume of Sales
  • 5) Sell-through Charge per unit
  • 6) Back Order Charge per unit
  • vii) Charge per unit of Return
  • eight) Customer Retention
  • nine) Retail Conversion Rate
  • 10) Total Orders
  • 11) Total Sales by Region
  • 12) Club Status
  • thirteen) Perfect Order Rate
  • 14) Render Reason
  • 15) GMROI
  • 16) Monthly Revenue Per Employee

Digital Media: Digital Media KPIs help online publishers assess their presence and the content they share. They are a large advantage to spot trends as they arise and answer their readers' expectations in a more customized way. Beneath you tin detect our superlative nine KPI templates for the digital media industry:

  • i) Top Articles past Readers
  • 2) Superlative Content Categories
  • iii) Subscribers by Age and Gender
  • 4) Average Clicks per Post
  • v) Boilerplate Shares per Post
  • vi) New vs Lost Follower
  • 7) Flesch Reading Ease
  • 8) Average Comments per Article
  • ix) Story Turnaround Fourth dimension

FMCG: Fast-moving consumer appurtenances KPIs are particular in the fashion that they are transversal and touch several departments, from procurement to supply chain so as to optimize whatever strategy to run into financial goals and product quality. Below you lot can find our top 10 KPI examples for the FMCG industry.

  • 1) Out of Stock Rate (OOF)
  • 2) Delivered On-Fourth dimension & In-Full (OTIF)
  • 3) Average Fourth dimension To Sell
  • 4) Sold Products Inside Freshness Date
  • 5) Greenbacks-to-Greenbacks Cycle Time
  • 6) Supply Chain Costs
  • 7) Supply Chain Costs vs Sales
  • eight) Carrying Cost of Inventory
  • 9) On-Shelf Availability
  • 10) Margin past Production Category

Energy: Energy KPIs help suppliers sympathise and manage fast-changing market demands, optimize production costs and analyze consumption patterns. That enables them to maximize profitability in the long-run. Beneath you can observe our elevation 8 KPI examples for the energy industry.

  • 1) Power Cuts & Average Elapsing
  • two) Consumption by Sector
  • 3) Total Shareholder Return
  • 4) Operating Cash Flow
  • 5) Production Costs
  • six) Availability Gene
  • 7) Energy Production Distribution
  • 8) Performance Ratio

Market Research: Market Research KPIs let y'all analyze and visualize your research results in a meaningful mode, so equally to nowadays your studies to top direction or clients finer. Below you lot tin can find our superlative 10 KPI examples for the market research industry.

  • 1) Unaided Brand Awareness
  • 2) Aided Make Awareness
  • 3) Brand Paradigm
  • four) Glory Analysis
  • 5) Usage Intention
  • 6) Purchase Intention
  • 7) Willingness To Pay (WTP)
  • 8) Net Promoter Score (NPS)
  • 9) Customer Satisfaction Score (CSAT)
  • ten) Customer Endeavour Score (CES)


Hereafter, you can notice a listing of KPI examples created to provide a solution for different platforms. They are compiled into a visual representation of the most important indicators of a successful data-story. Click on the link of the specific platform to learn what information technology can do for you and your business!

Facebook: Facebook KPIs gather content and advertising analytics to help social media professionals to optimize and maximize their social media strategy operations and results. Below yous can detect our peak ten KPI templates for Facebook:

  • ane) Number of Fans
  • 2) Follower Demographics
  • 3) Folio Views by Sources
  • 4) Actions on Page
  • 5) Reach by Post Blazon
  • half dozen) Post Date Rate
  • seven) Click-Through-Rate (CTR)
  • eight) Advertising Impressions & Frequency
  • ix) CPM & CTR of Facebook Ads
  • x) Cost per Conversion

LinkedIn: LinkedIn KPIs let you analyze and identify the functioning of a company or individual page profile, to determine the best possible combination of posting content, reaching to other professionals, and creating business opportunities. Below you tin find our summit 9 KPI examples for the LinkedIn network:

  • 1) Followers' Demographics
  • 2) Number of Followers
  • iii) Impressions & Attain
  • 4) Engagement Charge per unit
  • 5) Visitor Update Stats
  • half-dozen) Viewer Information
  • seven) Contact & Network Growth
  • 8) Profile Views by Chore Title
  • ix) Mail service Views & Engagements

Twitter: Twitter KPIs inform you lot of the results of your set targets and betoken which operation is on track, and which needs to be optimized, leading to a sustainable social media strategy and operation. Below yous tin find our top 10 Twitter KPI examples for this social media platform:

  • one) Average Amount of Link Clicks
  • 2) Average Engagement Rate
  • 3) Average Amount of Impressions
  • 4) Top 5 Tweets by Engagement
  • five) CPM of Twitter Ads
  • vi) Results Rate of Twitter Ads
  • 7) Cost per Result of Twitter Ads
  • 8) Interests of Followers
  • nine) Number of Followers
  • x) Hashtag Functioning

YouTube: YouTube KPIs are crucial for the serious video story-teller, aiming to increase engagement, views, subscribers and overall operation of this aqueduct. Below yous can find our top nine KPI examples for the YouTube platform:

  • ane) Total Spotter Time
  • 2) Total Corporeality of Video Views
  • iii) Viewer Retention
  • four) Video Appointment
  • 5) Number of Subscribers
  • half dozen) Daily Active Users (DAU)
  • seven) Traffic Source
  • 8) Subscribers' Demographics
  • ix) Top 5 Videos by Views

Google Analytics: Google Analytics KPIs enable website operators to objectively monitor, analyze and optimize user behaviors on a sustainable level across the entire website. These are our summit 14 KPIs for Google Analytics:

  • 1) Sessions and Users
  • 2) New and Returning Visitors
  • iii) Bounce Rate
  • 4) Goal Conversion Rate
  • five) Fourth dimension on Folio
  • 6) Boilerplate Folio Load Time
  • 7) Bounce Rate by Browser
  • 8) Organic vs Paid Sessions
  • 9) Average Session Duration
  • 10) Superlative 5 Search Queries
  • xi) Users by Gender
  • 12) Pages per Session
  • 13) Best Pages by Gender
  • xiv) Pinnacle 10 Landing Pages

Google AdWords: Google AdWords KPIs primarily focus on the monitoring, visualization, analysis and optimization of any kind of Google Search Engine Advertising (Sea) campaigns. These are our top eleven indicators for Google AdWords:

  • 1) Number of Clicks
  • 2) Click-Through-Rate (CTR)
  • iii) Quality Score
  • iv) Cost-per-Click (CPC)
  • five) Advertising Position
  • 6) Conversion Rate
  • 7) Cost per Conversion
  • 8) Upkeep Attainment
  • 9) Cost per Mille (CPM)
  • 10) Impression Share
  • 11) View-Through-Conversions

Salesforce: Salesforce KPIs assist salespeople finer manage all relevant, strategic and ongoing processes of their customer liaisons through Customer Relationship Management (CRM). These are our superlative 16 KPIs for Salesforce:

  • ane) Pb Response Time
  • ii) Follow-Up Contact Rate
  • three) Open Pipeline Value
  • iv) Open up Pipeline past Product Parcel
  • 5) Pipeline Value Forecast
  • 6) Average Contract Value
  • 7) Almanac Contractual Value
  • 8) Boilerplate Sales Cycle Length
  • nine) Sales Activeness
  • 10) Outbound-Calls
  • eleven) Outbound-Calls Contact Rate
  • 12) Number of Demos
  • 13) Full Amount of Inbound Leads
  • fourteen) Lead-to-Opportunity Ratio
  • 15) Opportunity-to-Win Ratio
  • 16) Lead Conversion Rate

Zendesk: Zendesk KPIs enable companies to considerately monitor the quality of client service and support while optimizing all relevant customer interactions in an effective, information-driven way. These are our top 14 metrics for Zendesk:

  • i) Ticket-Status
  • 2) First Response Time (FRT)
  • 3) Average Resolution Time
  • 4) Customer Satisfaction
  • 5) Tickets by Types
  • 6) Tickets past Channel
  • seven) Top Agents
  • 8) Average Answer Time
  • ix) Unsuccessful Entering Calls
  • 10) Quality Rate
  • xi) Average Leg Talk Time
  • 12) Starting time Contact Resolution Rate
  • thirteen) Utilization Rate
  • 14) Internet Promoter Score

How To Set Up Kpi List,


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